Social Skills

All Schools Teach Social Skills, Some Teach A Bit More

Social skills are always listed on all preschool, pre-k and kindergarten listings of skills taught. These skills are a general education with most schools. Move-N-Learn Academy takes the teaching and learning of social and charater skills a bit higher with a lot of fune.

We offer a character program that focuses on a word of character and the definition of the word each month. During the month the word is used in lessons and learning to get along wioth each other. Better yet, the word from the previous months are also used so there in never a total focus on only learning a word. Our parents are amazed that six months later, their young child can still tell you the definition of previous words and can use the words correctly.

Other social skills are taught in a very fun way, such as  "tea parties" to learn table manners and "parties" to learn how to get along with each other in social settings as well as school settings. Being creative in teaching social skills goes along way and keeps the interest of the children at a high level.

Social skills is more than learning to share a crayon and at Move-N- Learn Academy, we are always looking for great opportunities to share these much desired skills with our students. Public educators have  said in the past that they can tell when they have one of our Move-N-Learn Academy Alumns in their class rooms because their social skills, academic skills and all around school readiness is at a high level.