Friday, May 27, 2011

Fine Arts Learning For Preschoolers

A 1991 study showed that students in schools with an arts focused curriculum reported significantly more positive perceptions about their academic abilities. A University in California (Irvine) reported that preschoolers showed a 46% boost in their spatial reasoning IQ after only eight months of piano instruction.

Arts based learning is not new to the preschool setting. Arts based learning is the enhancement method that is used in the Move-N-Learn Academy Pre-K and Jr Kindergarten programs. It is our belief that young children learn best through movement and arts based activities such as music, pre-piano, art, dance, gymnastics and swimming. These art elements allows the young student to connect the cognitive learning of a core curriculum to true life activities. Adding the arts to general pre-education needs is a great way to learn.

We encourage you to take a look at the Move-N-Learn Academy for your young child's early learning program options either as a stand alone program, home schooled enhancement or public school enhancement. We believe you will be pleased with the out come. Move-N-Learn Academy offers a child more because we believe that they deserve it.

Call us today about summer and fall registration!