Monday, December 16, 2013

Time Goes Fast!

Wow! It was just the other day that we were wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving and now we are only days away from Christmas! How did that happen?

It happens when you have children about you. Whether at home or at work, time goes faster when there are children around. Why? Probably because they have only one speed, fast. Running, climbing, is all at super speed because they have so much to accomplish in a short time. A short time, because childhood does not last long.

I know, those days that seem to just drag because you do nothing but pick up after them. Feed them. Potty train them. Read to them. Play with them. It can seem like a 24/7 job, because it is.

But in a blink of an eye, you will wonder where it all went. Time travels fast. Time never seems to slow down.

But take time this holiday season to slow yourself down enough to actually enjoy the holidays with your child. Find time to hold them  and tell them that even when they are being "bad" that you still love them and that nothing can change that. Laugh with them. Play with them.

And enjoy the holidays. Because the holidays soon become memories too.